Minggu, 05 September 2010

Vegetarian Sandwich Facial

Sounds intriguing!!! This is not my original idea of facial. I came across this in some magazine. The article was discussing a recently opened spa on some highway road where you can get a vegetarian sandwich facial. And, it also states why. Because, any vegetarian sandwich has the goodness of all the veggies, bread (yeast is good for skin) and butter (softening for skin). So, I thought that I should just give it a try. There are some considerations before you try this. Choose the bread carefully. Make sure there is no fungus on it and if you can bake it at home, nothing better than that. 

Prepare a vegetarian sandwich using your favorite vegetables like cucumber, tomato, onion, spinach, cabbage, carrot, broccoli, potato, mint, coriander, corn, broccoli, even cottage cheese (paneer). You can add anything else according to your preference. Be inventive like add a handful of sesame seeds or even try adding dry fruits or other fruits. Just make sure nothing is cooked. Everything should be raw. No salt, sugar, pepper or any other spice. Instead of regular butter, either use milk cream on the bread or white butter freshly churned at home. Now, put the sandwich in a blender and create a paste. You might need to add liquid to help in blending so use any fruit juice or vegetable juice or even milk. Blend only so much to make a consistent paste. Excess blending will make the mixture more watery and it will be all runny over the face. Now, smooth the mixture on your face. Keep till it dries off which may take a very long time. Or, for at least half an hour. Wash off. Your skin would be smooth and glowing.

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